We take the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. See Safeguarding for further information.


Who’s Who at St Katharine’s


Simon Beirne (01883 347500), Chris Green (01737 644145)


Christiana Agwuegbo

Deanery Synod representatives:

Jill Gunn, Judith Hanson

PCC elected members:

Glynis Beazley, Libby Green, Daniel Hopcroft (Hon Treasurer), Robert Prentice, John Turner


Hon Secretary:

Currently vacant


Safeguarding Officers:

Maggie Kippen, Simon Beirne


Various functions and activities

Tower Captain
Church Flowers
Church Room lettings
Coffee after church
Bible Reading Fellowship co-ordinator
Libby Green
Jack Pease
John Callow
Maggie Kippen
Chris Green
Gill Buchanan
Judy Turner